skype 在 gnome-shell 的通知實作感覺不是很完整,常有一些奇怪的問題,內建已經有方便的通知方式,但是他還是混用原生的通知模組,所以行為不太一致,而且在 gnome-shell 的 notification 也同時會出現視窗但內容是聊天室標題,而標題卻是整個對話的第一句話,但這個標題卻比原生的提醒視窗還要顯眼 n 倍。而且有時通知的功能還會失效…或許是連收訊息都可能有問題吧。
所以找到這個小程式,可以透過 skype 事件可自訂外部程式的功能,加上這隻程式轉送訊息到 gnome-shell 的notification。在 gnome-shell 成為通用平台之前可能有一堆這種問題要處理吧…
實際使用後有發現,有時候 skype 沒出現提醒訊息的時候,還是有順利把命令往這支第三方程式送,避免一些漏掉訊息的情況~,所以應該是只要用 linux 這半殘的 skype 不管用什麼發行板都可以想辦法套一下自己的通知方式…
#!/usr/bin/env python # Python script to make Skype co-operate with GNOME3 notifications. # # # Copyright (c) 2011, John Stowers # # Adapted from # Copyright (c) 2009, Lightbreeze # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # # to use this script: Open Skype -> Open the menu and press 'Options' or press Ctrl-O # -> hit the 'Advanced' button and check 'Execute the following script on _any_ event' # -> paste: python /path/to/ -e"%type" -n"%sname" -f"%fname" -p"%fpath" -m"%smessage" -s%fsize -u%sskype # -> disable or enable the notifications you want to receive. import sys from optparse import OptionParser from gi.repository import Notify, GLib, Gtk # name : summary, body, icon (optional, default skype), # transient (optional, default True), # urgency (optional, default NORMAL) NOTIFICATIONS = { 'SkypeLogin': ("Skype","You have logged into Skype with {contact}","skype"), 'SkypeLogout': ("You have logged out of Skype",None,"user-offline"), 'SkypeLoginFailed': ("Skype login failed",None,"user-offline"), 'CallConnecting': ("Dailing... {contact}",None,"call-start"), 'CallRingingIn': ("Brring..","{contact} is calling you","call-start", False, Notify.Urgency.CRITICAL), 'CallRingingOut': ("Dididi.. dididi...","You are calling {contact}","call-start"), 'CallAnswered': ("Call Answered",None,"call-start"), 'VoicemailReceived': ("{contact}","Voicemail Received","skype"), 'VoicemailSent': ("Voicemail Sent",None,"skype"), 'ContactOnline': ("{contact} is now online",None,"user-online"), 'ContactOffline': ("{contact} is now offline",None,"user-offline"), 'ContactDeleted': False, 'ChatIncomingInitial': ("{contact}","{message}","im-message-new"), 'ChatIncoming': ("{contact}","{message}","im-message-new"), 'ChatOutgoing': False, 'ChatJoined': ("{contact} joined chat","{message}","emblem-people"), 'ChatParted': ("{contact} left chat","{message}",None), 'TransferComplete': ("Transfer Complete","{filename} saved to {path}{filename}","gtk-save"), 'TransferFailed': ("Transfer Failed","{filename}","gtk-close"), 'Birthday': ("{contact} has a birthday Tomorrow",None,"appointment-soon"), '%type': False, #we get %type at skype startup sometimes. ignore it } class NotifyForSkype: def __init__(self): # Initiate pynotify if not Notify.init("Skype Notifier"): sys.exit(-1) # Add argument parser options parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-e", "--event", dest="type", help="type of SKYPE_EVENT") parser.add_option("-n", "--sname", dest="sname", help="display-name of contact") parser.add_option("-u", "--skype", dest="sskype", help="skype-username of contact") parser.add_option("-m", "--smessage", dest="smessage", help="message body") parser.add_option("-p", "--path", dest="fpath", help="path to file") parser.add_option("-s", "--size", dest="fsize", help="incoming file size") parser.add_option("-f", "--filename", dest="fname", help="file name", metavar="FILE") (o, args) = parser.parse_args() try: verb = "Showing" self._show_notification(o, *NOTIFICATIONS[o.type]) except KeyError: verb = "Unknown" self._show_notification(o, "{type}", "{contact} ({user})") except ValueError: verb = "Skipped" print "%s notification: %s\n\targs: %s" % (verb, o.type, ", ".join(sys.argv)) def _show_notification(self, o, summary, body, icon="skype", transient=True, urgency=Notify.Urgency.NORMAL): if summary == None: summary = "" if body == None: body = "" #im-message-new is not a standard icon name, neither is user-*, but they are present #in many themes that support empathy. lookup the supplied icon and fallback to skype #if missing if not Gtk.IconTheme.get_default().has_icon(icon): icon = "skype" n = summary.format(filename=o.fname,path=o.fpath,contact=o.sname,message=o.smessage,type=o.type,user=o.sskype), body.format(filename=o.fname,path=o.fpath,contact=o.sname,message=o.smessage,type=o.type,user=o.sskype), icon) n.set_hint("transient", GLib.Variant.new_boolean(transient)) n.set_urgency(urgency) cm = NotifyForSkype()
把程式執行貼到,設定 > 待處理項目 > 收到聊天室訊息 > 進階 > 自訂外部指令
/path/to/ -e"%type" -n"%sname" -f"%fname" -p"%fpath" -m"%smessage" -s%fsize -u%sskype