這幾天裝了Android 2.2 的模擬器,想要裝個 market 來玩玩,結果挫敗連連…
ADB:可以連接模擬器的工具在android sdk tools 裡面,可以進 shell 還有一些額外的指令工具。
- 裝好 SDK 建立一個 AVD
- 搬出有中文名稱的使用者的資料夾…修改對應的 avd.ini 改成搬出去的其他位置
- 去 modaco 網站 下載 G1 2.2 映像檔,裡面有實際執行環境的一些映像檔 跟 rootfs ,好像有很多版本會更新
- 透過 adb remount 後才可以 push ~
- 從映像檔裡面拿出並安裝 Market 到模擬器上
- adb push source target
- GoogleServicesFramework.apk (Google服務 )
- Vending.apk (Market)
- 設定 build.prop 不允許 checkin 註解掉 ( pull 再 push )
- 重開會不見…不知道為啥
- 失敗,不能登入
- adb logcat 看到 => com.android.vending.api.FatalCommunicationException: Sent a bad request
- 這位大大 有很詳細跟類似的錯誤與解決 有點太複雜…
- 改用 adb install Vending.apk 跟 GoogleServicesFramework.apk
- 重開不會不見
- 成功登入
- 失敗
- 不能下載…
- 絕望…
- 發現我好像連 reboot 都有問題
模擬器與adb指令 http://xxlinxx.wordpress.com/
今日延燒至Linux Mint 中成功了…,因為被 Ubuntu 10.10 的 Eclipse 氣死了,原本主要的問題好像都是 push 完以後重開就都沒了,只是這次完全照著作就沒事了…嘆…
參考這篇回應的 http://anythingsimple.blogspot.com/2010/09/how-to-use-android-market-on-android.html
Linux Users
1. Create your avd using either terminal or gui. #建立一個 2.2 的 avd
A. Terminal – cd to the location of your SDK tools folder and run
./android create avd -n android-2.2 -t 7
B. Gui – run ./android from you SDK tools folder and make a new 2.2 virtual device
named android-2.2
*Note – Replace the 7 in the terminal with whatever 2.2 is for you. You can find out by running
./android list target
2. Copy the system.img from your sdk using the terminal or manually #複製 system.img 到你的 avd 資料夾下 ,不知道目的是啥,因為 system.img 好像設完後沒改變大小
Terminal – cp /home/USER/location of sdk/platforms/android-8/images/system.img ~/.android/avd/android-2.2.avd
3. Start the emulator using either the terminal or gui #開啟模擬器用指令的方式 才能設 partition-size 等下要 remount 用的
A. For terminal (Make sure your in your SDK tools folder) – ./emulator -avd android-2.2 -partition-size 96
4. After the emulator has fully started we need to pull build.prop (Open a terminal if needed and go to the tools folder) #把 build.prop 拉出來
A. Terminal – ./adb pull /system/build.prop
*Note – Open a new terminal or a new tab and cd back to the tools folder of the sdk.
5. Comment out ro.config.nochecking=yes from the file by putting a # in front of the line. # 把不允許登入 google 拿掉
A. Terminal – gedit build.prop
B. Save changes and exit
6. Push back the update build.prop # remount 後推回去
Terminal – ./adb remount
./adb push build.prop /system/build.prop
7. Get the custom rom linked above. Extract it to your desktop and rename the folder
to r21
8. Run the following commands in the terminal # 把 goole service 跟 market apk push 上去
./adb push ~/Desktop/r21/system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk /system/app
./adb push ~/Desktop/r21/system/app/Vending.apk /system/app
9. Remove the SdkSetup file #移除SdkSetup ? 有啥用
./adb shell rm /system/app/SdkSetup.apk
10. Finally stop the emulator and run these commands in terminal #砍掉幾個記憶檔
cd ~/.android/avd/android-2.2.avd
rm -R userdata-qemu.img userdata.img cache.img
11. Start up the emulator and you should now have the market! #重開吧 !去抓遊戲來玩…
請教一下,你遇到設定好之後,用sdk manager開啟,設定檔案都不見,後來是怎麼處理的呢?請指教一下,,感謝 😯
你說的設定檔案是 android 的 img 內的資料設定完重開就不見了嗎?